No mans sky fleet technology
No mans sky fleet technology

The reasons may also include seeking the undeserved reputation of “emperorship of the whole world”, and spending too much money and resources without the expected effects. Agriculture oriented policy refrained exploration of nature and undervalued the scientific findings and technological innovations. Confucian culture focusing on harmony and not conquering limited the achievements of collecting wealth and expanding territory.

no mans sky fleet technology

The reasons behind the suppression are complicated (Chen 2005, Lin 2003, Ma et al 2006). In spite that the scale of Zheng He’s navigation far exceeded that of Columbus’s “Great Discovery” which followed some 80 years afterward, the former had much less effect on the progress of the world history. China still cut off itself from the out side world and stopped her exploration of ocean navigation, while Europeans, along the routes opened up by their expeditions, reached America, Africa and Asia and established colonies all over the world, which greatly promoted the capitalist development. Zheng He’s trip, therefore, did not produce long-term effects. Unfortunately, to some extend, Zheng He’s magnificent feat in the history of navigation was later considered as a sheer waste of energy and money and a “failure policy”, and thus was put an end to.

no mans sky fleet technology

It was a golden opportunity for China to strengthen itself and make greater contributions to human beings. Zheng He’s Exploration of the Western Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean was an important event at the turning point of the world history. An important waypoint on passage of navigation history

No mans sky fleet technology